My idea is to give every individual with a drivers license a gas card, this is not a credit card but a card that keeps track of how much gas you use and must be swiped pre-purchase. This plan would only apply to personal usage. You allow everyone to purchase say 25 gallons a week at say 30% off the market price. if you exceed 25 gals you pay full market price up to 50, plus you're back charged the 30% for the first 25 gals. If you must use more than 50 a week you pay market for the 50 then ...
Why has mainstream country music started to emulate rap music? It’s enough I have to listen to 14 year old white kids talk about there bitches, now partially grown up country stars are acting like rappers. Wearing bling and objectifying women just like a true rap star. At least the language has remained clean. Country music used to be respectful of women, putting them on a pedestal even. Now it’s who’s your daddy and badonk ka donk. I realize sex has always been a part of country music vi...
If the Pro-life movement succeeds in making abortion illegal what will the ensuing steps to enforce this new law entail? When the hundreds of abortion clinics spring up along the borders of Canada and Mexico it will to some degree become the Border Patrol’s responsibility to enforce the law. Will there new duties include giving a pregnancy test to border crossers? What will the penalties be? Will a Woman be charged with premeditated murder, with all the mandatory minimums that come with...
There is no question that violence can be a means to an end. After all there really was no doubt that our military could get rid of Sadam’s regime and set up a democracy in Iraq. There is also no question that violence is the result of human intellect running out of juice. Therefore this war was, and will always be a failure. We failed on every level leading up to this war. As far as wars go this one was definitely the most civilized in history. But the stories human sacrifice and acts o...