Life on the web means a whole bunch of user names. As soon as you submit a UN you begin to realize just how many people there are on the web when you have to add numbers to what you thought was very unique. I've registered a UN with at least three dozen forums but only actually use maybe half a dozen. You never know witch ones your going to be using frequently so most of time I don't think my choices through. Back in 1994 I registered with a form at MetaCreations for discussing their program Bryce and I choose the UN Creativejuice. I knew it was a little corny but at least I didn't have to put a number after it. However I overlooked the fact that the short version would be Juice. 1994 was of course when OJ Simpson was going from famous to infamous and some even shortened it to OJ. After a few, don't kill me OJ's, I silently disappeared never to come back.

At the time I registered with JU I was on the computer frequently and between gaming and typing it felt like my fingers were getting shorter, so in a moment of blank imagination and foresight I choose Stubbyfinger. Now stubby is not nearly as bad as OJ, but I'm 6ft 2 and my fingers along with the rest of my appendages are all above average length so pride is nagging at me to change my user name. And so I've decided on ShitforBrains, at least the short version would have to be brains or the acronym SFB. Or we could just loose the B and then I might not need to change my UN, I'll leave it up to you JoeUsers.   

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 19, 2008
I think my pornstar name is more for a guy...

Bear Statler

Nah, just make it Mama Bear Statler and you've got it in the bag!
on May 19, 2008

Change your nick to "Don'tabreviatemynickyoulazypackofbastardsit'sdamninconsiderateandrude".

Failing that, if you are THAT concerned about how you will be known try "Anon"....

Better still...whatever your nick is.... KEEP IT THAT WAY.  Frequent changes are only an impression of anonymity.  If you are an arsehole by reputation you will always be [silently] referred to as such, no matter what your nick becomes.....

I have been registered on numerous sites and have managed to do so with a total of 2....and I would MUCH PREFER only one.

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